The 867 Framework

Our Framework is based on a Creative Commons License

Since 2009 the '867 Framework was abandoned in the public domain. An idea that was created to assist those who created intellectual, binary assets identify, classify and prove ownership of the assets they creates. The original creators Daniel L. Messick and Christine Miller decided to give the idea to the world for free under a Creative Commons License.governed by the 867 Foundation. We use the designation "867" as it refers to the last three digits of the original patent filing from 2001. 

The Concept is simple, Under Common Law and Contract Law if a person can prove any property is theirs by identifying it and proving possession, it is theirs by right and possession. Until now that was done without a formal and standard structure. Every time someone wanted to protect their personal, intangible and binary property they had to do it on their own. Now everyone has a standard, recognizable and repeatable framework that is legally defensible. It means now as an artist, photographer, scientist, inventor or musician, you have a way to identify your idea without giving away the secret portion of what makes your idea unique and valuable. This is the essence of the patent and what we call the transformation of and IDEA into an ASSET. With a world awash with new ideas and digital artifacts we need a way for the creators of all that great work to be able to quickly and economically document, and protect their work so later they can commercially use it to their benefit.

While the law refers to people, the reality is most of these ideas are really owned and used by companies and organizations. But the decision to use the '867 Framework is made by people, for people. Our process right now is optimized for organizations. Eventually, we will have a process that is tailored to the individual. So, If you are an individual creative, be patient.

So who can use the 867 Framework today, right now? If you work for even a small company that lives by the ideas that generate you business, you are a perfect candidate to adopt the '867 Framework. If you are a mid-sized company you are beginning to loose track of all the ideas and '867 can be a great help in organizing and managing your ideas. For the larger company on the Fortune list, you need the '867 Framework to manage all the ideas people are creating every day that are getting away from you. Most companies, regardless of size or industry loose from 10 to 30 percent of their real value by not leveraging the intangible assets inside your organization. What would it mean if you could add another 10 percent to your balance sheet value, or as much as 30 percent. Regardless of size or industry, '867 Framework helps you organize, your assets, correctly classify them, control who uses them and how, and helps you arrive at a value for each asset. That means you can move toward putting something that you didn't think had a value on your balance sheet. For young companies starting out, that can be a huge benefit. For more mature companies it may shock them how much more value they can create from the unrecognized value in their company.

Many people ask us, does the 867 Framework take the place of a patent, copyright or trademark? No it does not. It does help the owner of the asset correctly identify it, structure the description and collect the proper information needed to file for government protection as a patent, copyright or trademark, if they decide that is in their best interest. The interesting point is you don't have to in order to license your idea, because the '867 Framework provides a mechanism to license your idea under a restricted disclosure as a contractual agreement between parties.

The breakthrough that makes the 867 Framework economically viable is the invention of distributed ledgers and inexpensive secure cloud storage. When the original patent was filed, the those technologies weren't available, but the patent described a need for those services. Today, we have them and can deploy them in an economical way that allows anyone to capture the essence of an idea into an encrypted container and create the metadata needed to describe the idea, the owner, and when they created it, the Who, What and When needed to establish legal ownership.

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"The New Economics of '867"